Actors Who Died During A Movie’s Production

Brief Shining Star The Career of Martha Mansfield by Eve Golden

Actors Who Died During A Movie’s Production

( While filming The Warrens of Virginia, the silent-film star was sitting in a car taking a break between takes. In what can only be described as a freak accident, a passerby lit a cigarette and accidentally flicked the match into the automobile. The match landed on Martha Mansfield’s costume, which was a giant and highly flammable Civil War-era dress. Mansfield died in the hospital the next day (November 30, 1923) from severe burns. )
Film production can be a dangerous business. and getting the 
perfect action shot can sometimes mean pulling off very risky 
stunts that have the potential to go disastrously wrong. 
Fortunately most productions will have plenty of precautions and 
safeguards in place, which means that on-set deaths are very 
rare, but there are still some famous cases of actors who died 
while filming, and others who died before they could finish their 
current projects.
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